Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Feeling Would Being More Relaxed Give You?

Written By Tomas Coimin

By the way: do you know what a purple rhinoceros sounds like?

This may or not be relevant to you but don't focus only on the benefits of relaxation, because it's important to take a balanced view. Think about all the miserable occasions in your life where you wish you had been more adaptive to calm reasoning but for some obscure plethora of reasons you chose to be unresponsive. You are not alone as many do the exact same thing and actually just look at children in school they do it too.

You see most of us have never been trained to relax let alone think on our feet. Would you like to know a good step that will not take much time but really works if you want to speed up your responsiveness especially with quick fire verbiage?

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
-Thomas A. Edison

Well you are going to need two things a) a stop watch and b) a page of say a book you recently read that you favoured. Now every cell phone comes with a stop watch in their extras dept so take a wee minute and find it.

Now sit up straight in your chair with head held high and commence reading in your normal poise and time it; write it down. Now over the next few readings gradually accelerate your pace but do enunciate clearly without raising your voice. After about five minutes check your pace against another reading and whoopee you will have been much faster than your first attempt. Make sure you write it down too and over the coming weeks follow this wee procedure and reap awards.

If you practice this daily ('Oh no, practicing is hard',) you will feel more confident about how you speak and actually in your delivery plus this will have a corresponding facility of receptiveness with your listeners. Here is one more addition for you to consider: practice in front of a mirror. Hmm "I haven't done that before"! I'm not going to tell you to have a lot of fun with this exercise!

It has always been a curious oddity why so many people talk with loud voices as if their listener was in the next county of some where down the road. If you want to draw someone closer so they will actually pay attention to you practice lowering your voice but look at them squarely in the eyes while fluctuating your tone to validate a note or expression even a command.

In the meantime take out a pen and paper and draw a line right down the centre of it. On one side write pros and on the other cons then proceed to draw a big X on the cons side and focus entirely on the pros of learning relaxation techniques. Would it compliment your life to learn more about relaxation techniques?

Useful tip: write down your neediness factor and secondly are you more inclined to object versus agreeing automatically without knowing all the benefits of being in agreement? Consider using the X factor when making decisions and write your thoughts down versus repetitive workings in your head change shall bid hello; positively to boot too!

Tooralee tooraloo! Oh I almost forgot: imagine what your life would be like as you perfect relaxation techniques! Oh, the purple rhino sounds just the same as the ordinary types do!!

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